Staging your house for sale in Turtle Ridge, a townhome for sale in University Park, or a home for sale in Woodbridge or Westpark (or elsewhere) is incredibly important if you want to sell it quickly and at the right price.

Part of that includes staging your master bedroom. (You can apply these principles to other bedrooms in the house, too.)

How to Stage Your Master Bedroom

You don’t have to repaint the walls or fully remodel the room, although you should talk to your Irvine Realtor® if you intend to make significant improvements.

However, you do need to make your bedroom look as comfortable and inviting as possible so buyers can envision themselves living there.

Here’s a step-by-step guide.

  1. Clean everything from top to bottom, and get rid of clutter. Clear off surfaces and minimize knickknacks, because buyers don’t want to see them.
  2. Take out excess furniture, leaving the bed, bedside tables, and the dresser. Add a full-length mirror to the room if you have one.
  3. Leave nothing on the floors.
  4. Make the bed and ensure that it’s neat. If you don’t have a headboard, consider adding one. Cover the box spring with a bedskirt or a fitted sheet, and fluff all the pillows so your bed is the cozy focal point of the room. Add a plush throw to the foot of the bed for even more effect.
  5. Put lamps on bedside tables.
  6. Put fresh flowers or a live plant on the dresser.

Are You Selling Your Home in Irvine?

If you’re selling your home in Irvine or the surrounding communities, we can help.

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can explain how we’ll put your home in front of all the right buyers.

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