When you’re selling your home, whether it’s a house for sale in the Irvine airport areaCentral Park West, or Turtle Rock, you’re going to need to stage it and make it as appealing to buyers as possible.

And that starts with the living room.

How to Stage a Living Room

First things first: Clean, declutter, and clean some more. The cleaner your home is, the more attractive it will be – and the last thing potential buyers want to see is a mess.

Once that’s done, take an objective look at your furniture. Is there a piece – maybe an end table, coffee table, or comfy chair – that impedes traffic flow in the room?

If there is, it’s time to take it out. (Many people find that it’s helpful to get a storage unit for excess items while their homes are on the market. Bonus: You’ll have a head start on moving when half your belongings are in storage!)

Is there a way you could rearrange your furnishings to make your living room look more appealing? People enjoy seeing chairs in “conversational” groups.

Finally, remove all décor that could be considered eccentric or eclectic. Take down family photos and religious symbols so that your home appeals to as many buyers as possible.

The idea is to get buyers to envision their things in your space. They can’t do that if it’s cluttered or extremely personalized for you and your family.

Are You Selling a Home in Irvine?

If you’re selling your home in Irvine or the surrounding communities, we can help.

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can explain how we’ll put your home in front of all the right buyers.

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