When you’re selling your home, whether it’s a house for sale in Turtle Ridge, a townhome for sale in University Park, or a home for sale in Woodbridge or Westpark, you’re going to need to stage it to make it as appealing as possible to potential buyers – and the bathroom is one of the make-or-break rooms.

How to Stage a Bathroom When Your House is for Sale

Aside from decluttering and cleaning, which are the first two things you need to do (your bathroom needs to be spotless!), it’s a good idea to make the most out of what you have to work with.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Put trash cans and cleaning supplies in a cabinet, where buyers won’t see them.
  2. Clear off the counters completely. No toothbrush holders or other personal hygiene items (except perhaps a fancy liquid soap dispenser).
  3. Leave nothing on the floor, including the bathroom scale and the bath mat.
  4. Clean out your drawers and cupboards, leaving everything only half-full (even if you have to box up or throw away some items). Buyers want to see storage space!
  5. Get a fresh shower curtain.
  6. Put out brand-new towels that you don’t use (and put them away after showings so they stay new). Think thick, white, and fluffy.
  7. Add a vase of fresh flowers or a living plant to your counter or the back rim of your bathtub.

Are You Selling Your Home in Irvine?

If you’re selling your home in Irvine or the surrounding communities, we can help.

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can explain how we’ll put your home in front of all the right buyers.

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