Orange County Conservation Corps needs young adults ages 18-25 to help with clean-up and recovery from the 2017 wildfires. If you know a young person in our community looking for work, consider this unique experience. Young adults who’ve been unemployed for the last six months and authorized to work in the United States earn $11 per hour. Workweeks are only 29 hours per week, leaving time for schooling.

The Orange County Conservation Corps is a non-profit organization founded over 20 years ago as part of the Anaheim anti-gang task force. The program teaches young people valuable skills and provides opportunities for at-risk youths ages 18 to 25. It’s a great way to make money, avoid gangs, learn new skills, meet new people and become productive within the society.

Did you know that the Orange County Conservation Corps helped give out 549 Education Awards totaling more than $751,088 issued in scholarship money! Reviews on Indeed show that this is a positive experience for workers. Check it out:

“Great job for someone starting out and looking for experience. The work can be a little tidious but the staff is very helpful and will only try to help you. Work enough hours and you even get a grant for school!”

If you know a young person in our community interested in working to help clean-up after the 2017 wildfires, have them apply online. Plus, for more information, head over to

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