Black Cabinets Are “In” Again

One of the hottest kitchen design trends for 2018 is black cabinets in the kitchen – and if you’re selling your home in Irvine, that can help you earn a little more cash at the closing table. Black Cabinets “We’re starting to see more clients eager to...

Even if It’s a Seller’s Market…

If you’re selling your home and it’s a seller’s market, that’s great! But it doesn’t mean you can skimp on the details. Here’s what you need to know. Clean Buyers can’t picture themselves living in a messy house, and you...

Should You Wait to Buy Your First Home?

Most of the home sales this year are expected to be first-time buyers, and mostly within the millennial group – but should you wait? Should You Wait to Buy Your First Home? What’s the hold-up? Unless you’re building up your credit, saving for a down...

What is Seller Financing?

Seller financing, which you rarely – but sometimes – run into when you’re scoping out the real estate market, is a way for buyers to get non-conventional financing to buy a house. What is Seller Financing? Seller financing involves the buyer...

Late Payments and Your Credit Score

If you’re buying a home using a mortgage, you probably already know that lenders will check your credit scores to figure out whether they’re willing to give you the cash to buy. If you have late payments in your past, here’s what you need to know...