MORE Questions Every Seller Should Ask

When you’re selling a home in Irvine, you can – and should – interview as many real estate professionals as possible to find one you really click with.

In a previous post, we talked about three questions every seller should ask.

Here are two more.

Two More Questions Every Seller Should Ask

#1: How Will We Communicate?

Every seller has a different preference when it comes to communication, so let your agent know what you’re comfortable with and ask him how he communicates best. Whether you email, text or call each other, you need to know that your agent will be responsive and ready to talk when you need him.

#2: How Can I Get My House Ready to Sell?

Your agent will do a walk-through with you when he comes to talk about listing your house. He may offer you suggestions and pointers, but if not, feel free to ask! He’ll be able to tell you what buyers want to see (after all, he shows buyers homes every day) so you can make adjustments before you put your house on the market.

Are You Selling a Home in Irvine?

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can tell you about our innovative marketing plans and how we’ll help you sell your home quickly (and at the right price).

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