3 Questions Every Seller Should Ask

If you’re thinking about selling your home, you know you need to work with the best Irvine Realtor® available – but how do you find him?

3 Questions Every Seller Needs to Ask

You’re always free to interview potential agents when you’re selling your home – and you should. You want to find someone you can “click” with, because you’re going to be working closely for a while.

As you interview potential agents, here’s what you need to ask.

#1: What’s the Market Like?

You want to work with a Realtor who knows the market, including what’s selling and what’s sitting on the MLS without selling. You really want to make sure your agent knows the surrounding communities, too, because then you can be confident that he knows how to help you price your home to sell.

#2: How Much is My House Worth?

A good real estate agent won’t just tell you what you want to hear. He’ll tell you what buyers are most likely willing to pay for your home – and he’ll back it up with research. Pricing a home is part instinct and part science, and a good agent will have both of them down pat.

#3: How Will You Get Buyers Interested in My Home?

Your agent should have a good marketing plan that puts your home in front of all the right buyers. He needs to have an online component to his plan, too, because that’s where buyers are going first.

Are You Selling a Home in Irvine?

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can tell you about our innovative marketing plans and how we’ll help you sell your home quickly (and at the right price).

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