When you’re selling your home, whether it’s a house for sale in the Irvine airport areaCentral Park West, or Turtle Rock, you’re going to need to stage it so buyers find it appealing – and that includes your dining room.

How to Stage Your Dining Room

First things first: Clean everything from top to bottom, and clear out all the clutter. That includes excess décor and knickknacks; buyers want to see that you have plenty of space, so remove everything you can while still giving the room a clear purpose.

Here’s a step-by-step guide you can follow once your dining room is completely clean.

  1. Let the light in. Open all the blinds, turn on the lights, and look for dark spots. If you find any, add a lamp.
  2. Make sure your table looks inviting. Skip the dated tablecloth, if you can, and opt for placemats (or no covering at all).
  3. Put a fresh fruit basket, floral arrangement, or live plant in the center of the dining room table.
  4. Check the traffic flow to make sure buyers can walk all the way around your table, as well as in and out of the room.
  5. Don’t “overstage.” That means there’s no need to put out all the fine china; people know what the dining room is for, so you don’t have to set the table as if you’re having guests.

Your best bet is to have your Irvine Realtor® run through your home and point out what you could improve to impress potential buyers. He’ll be able to give you expert guidance so you can sell your home quickly and at the right price.

Are You Selling a Home in Irvine?

If you’re selling your home in Irvine or the surrounding communities, we can help.

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can explain how we’ll put your home in front of all the right buyers.

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