"I Won't Sell for Less Than..." (Things You Shouldn't Tell Your Listing Agent)

Things You Shouldn’t Tell Your Listing Agent: I’ll Never Settle for Less

When you’re selling your home, the bottom line is that it’s only worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it. That means no matter how much you paid for it or how much you invested in it, you’re only going to walk away with what a buyer believes it’s worth.

Buyers do their homework, too, which means they know what similar homes in similar areas are going for – and they’re not going to make an offer on a house that’s priced much higher than others just like it.

Telling your agent that you’ll never settle for less than a certain amount is effectively tying his hands behind his back. Your agent can’t represent your best interests in getting the home sold quickly if you’re not willing to put it on the market at its fair market value – or if you’re not willing to negotiate.

Unfortunately, many sellers attach sentimental value to their homes… and that doesn’t equate to monetary value. If you want to sell it quickly, listen to your agent when he gives you pricing suggestions.

If you price your home too high, it’s going to sit on the market for ages – and eventually, you’ll have to lower the price if you still want to sell. Then, buyers are going to wonder what’s wrong with your home (“If it’s so great, why hasn’t anyone bought it yet?”) and wonder why you’ve slashed the price.

The longer a house sits on the market, the harder it is to sell.

Are You Selling a Home in Irvine?

Call us at 949-385-1684 or get in touch with us online so we can tell you about our innovative marketing plans and how we’ll help you sell your home quickly (and at the right price).

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